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Zeus adventure with bone cancer

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Dec 16

Zeus is still with us. We are coming up on one year since amputation. We are still giving rso. He has not progressed and lung mets are shrinking. His next appointment is in feb. all of his vets call him the miracle boy. We are just happy he is still with us.

Aug 25

our alternative treatment is going well this cycle, Zeus is still going strong. Our hope is to cure/reverse his osteosarcoma. I know high goal but our goal…..with the good news last time we have high hopes.

Aug 13

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Aug 13

so it has been over three months since we got the 2-3 months to live on Zeus.

we have been doing an alternative treatment with ups and downs.

we took Zeus in 2 weeks ago to have a check up. One of his mets has not changed and the other one is shrinking. His oncologist is shocked.

The treatment we are doing will be done around thanksgiving so we will check again.

we are so happy he is still with us and feeling great.


the hope is to cure the cancer and we seem to be headed that way.

Apr 29

Bad News

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Zeus had is appointment for his 6th and final chemo session monday. they called us and let us know he would not be having any.

They did x-rays and the cancer has spread to his lungs.

they said maybe 3 months at the most.

we are devistated.


we are giving him turmeric and apricot kernals  and researching any and all holistic therapies.

we are not ready to give up.